Action Plan 2017-2021
Bomere Heath and District Parish Council ACTION PLAN 2017-2021
Issue Lead Councillor |
Objective | Action Plan | Update | Status/ Date Achieved |
Objective One Planning Eric Barker |
Decision making – consider community views Consider any impact and any adjustment needed |
Review planning application and Parish council method of evaluating applications and how Community views can be shown as considered. Incorporate what impact developments will have and how any CIL funds are best used. |
April 2018 |
Outcome: Councillors are currently involved in finalising a policy document presenting the procedures to be followed when making application for planning consent for any building project in the Parish. This will be accompanied by a statement explaining the Parish Council’s current policy regarding new applications. Ongoing: The Poilcy will soon be available on our Website for all parishioners to consult on a permanent basis. Planning is a continual process for the Parish Council where plans are received from Shropshire Council for comment and responded to. Cllr Eric Baker |
Objective Two Traffic and Parking Dan Harmer |
Assess speeding risks at identified locations Engage with stakeholders and identify solutions / control measures Assess parking issues and resolution required To work with other bodies / agencies in order to implement the measures identified. Consideration to be given to how large goods and agricultural traffic can be best managed |
Gather any available data / complaints concerning speeding, collisions and near misses for: o Bomere Heath village o Forton Heath o Walford Heath o Leaton Cross o Huffley Lane o Preston Gubbals Rd. Gather any data / information about parking issues and assess best resolution: o Grafton o Bomere Heath shops o Congestion Shrewsbury Rd Bomere Heath o Whitehouse Lane – School drop/pick up. Engage and meet with Shropshire Council (PC), Police to assess findings and solutions: o Traffic calming o Re configuring location hazards o Speed limit road and road side signage o Speeding – enforcement (Police/Community speed watch) In all cases establish responsibility and financial capacity for solutions – Assess capability of BHDPC to support and / or outside funding / sponsorship. Based upon risk a prioritised approach. Huffley Lane of particular concern. |
April 2018
Outcome : Since the completion of the CLP the Parish Council has carried out five traffic speed and count surveys to establish the movements at the five key locations within the parish. The findings of which have been published in the Parish Council Website and has pledged to record and discuss problem areas moving forward. One key location from historic Parish Council meetings identified the Leaton Junction as a problem junction. A Freedom of information request was made to West Mercia Police to establish the recorded serious incidents within the parish. Contact has also been made with 3 civil engineer surveyors to discuss the the junction and establish independent advice. Ongoing: This will need to be reviewed in line with costs to carry out the surveys and reports compared to any tangible benefit and practical outcome. Cllr Dan Harmer |
Objective Three Public Footpaths and Green space. Edward Mason |
BHDPC to review existing arrangements to ensure adequate public footpath and public ‘green spaces’ management is in place. Identify suitable public space to use for fruit tree planting |
Identify all public footpaths and public spaces and whether they are routinely maintained (‘Business as usual’) Identify areas / issues necessitating replacement or greater degree of maintenance. Establish programme of work and cost for any significant work / replacement. Assess whether BHDPC is achieving best value from any services provided? (necessity,outcome & cost)
Objective Four Dog Fouling and Litter Martin Speak |
Assessment to be made to site dog and rubbish waste bins. Establish responsibility for emptying and costs. Education: Effective signage and raising public awareness. |
CLP identified ‘hot spots’ for dog fouling and litter – to be prioritised. Identify suppliers and installers of additional bins and arrangements with SC for on going collection/emptying. Initiate ‘Watching you’ poster campaign for dog fouling in Bomere Heath. Assess need for reporting line / webpage. Monitor complaints for any improvement |
March 2018 |
Dog Fouling: Outcome – installation of two additional waste bins (£800) and emptying (£680 p.a) by Shropshire Council paid for by the Parish Council. Poster campaign in Bomere Heath based on Keep Britain Tidy ‘watching eyes’ to promote awareness and Council website updated with reporting process for offending owners. Future action: monitoring and assessment of complaints. Cllr Martin Speak |
Objective Five Public Seating Robert Cooke |
BHDPC to assess necessity for additional seating at identified locations and establish costs for purchase and installation. |
CLP identified suggested locations for additional seating. Assess scale of demand and cost issues. Carry out assessment at localities for any opposition (e.g. previous point for youths to loiter – anti social behaviour.) Consider sponsorship / donation (Benches engraved /plaque) |
Objective Six Young Persons Facilities Dan Harmer |
Assess requirements and feasibility to create a sustainable youth club within the parish: |
Assessment to be made on suitable location for youth club/group, full costs involved for start up and continuance, staffing and any ancillary requirements. Assessment to be made concerning costs and sustainability of facilities |
April 2018 |
Outcome: Progression has been made since interest was raised via the CLP for a Youth Group. Through grants available via SCC the Parish Council has secured over £2500 to try and establish a Youth Group in Bomere Heath by the end of 2018. Volunteers have made themselves known to the Parish Council and whilst some avenues have fallen through the Parish Council and SYA (Shrops Youth Assoc) are in discussion with local individuals and are attempting to get a group off the ground. Ongoing: The plan is for the first 12 months to be managed (with a full time paid leader) who trains others to enable the group to be self sustainable. The PC will review the groups progress quarterly Cllr Dan Harmer |
Objective Seven Community Spirit, Events and Facilities Robert Cooke Martin Speak Shirley Briers Beverley Alexander Colin Stockton
BHDPC to raises awareness of willingness for wider Community involvement in the organisation of social events. Assessment to be made on suitable locations and costs, and the degree of financial support required. Assessment of location and costs for the siting of multi gym equipment and feasibility of full / part installation of equipment. Improve BHDPC communication with Community. |
Marketing campaign to get volunteers from the community to be engaged in arranging events. BHDPC to assess and obtain agreement for suitable site. Form Village Fete Committee, BHDPC to assess degree of financial support and assisting in seeking sponsorship. Identify ‘Best kept Village’ competition and engage with: o Gardening club o Local business for sponsorship – planters, baskets etc. o Assess BHDPC funding for roadside flora displays, etc Fully evaluate site for gym equipment, type of equipment to be installed, full costing including liability, routine maintenance costs and H&S issues. Assess improvements for communicating with the community: o Promotion of web site – banners, leaflet drops, information boards. o Social media presence. o Contact with groups, school and local businesses, Doctors surgery, BBC Shropshire Radio, etc Assess potential for running ‘Flicks in the sticks’ (Pop up cinema) within the parish. |
Communication Outcome – Parish Council Facebook page now in place and proving to be an effective means of reaching the community with visits increasing week by week. E.g week 14-20/3/2018 :193 people engaged and 754 visits. Regular Parish Council news features in Parish Magazine and contact details on dog fouling posters around Bomere Heath. On going: Information posters for outlying settlements and public places to promote website / FB page and improvement to council email format. Cllr Martin Speak – March 2018
Village Fete Outcome -A feasibility report has been raised for consideration. It is clear that there needs to be significant input from the local Community to organise and run such an event. BH&DPC have noted that only a very limited number of CLP responses indicated an interest in such an event and as the local primary school already holds an annual summer fayre of this nature, it has been decided not to proceed for the year 2018. On going: Review 2018 /19 - Monitor number of and attendance at similar local events and degree of Community involvement in others areas, in order to gauge likely support in the future. Cllr Bev Alexander - April 2018
Best Kept Village / Village Floral Displays Outcome: Efforts have been made to raise awareness and call for volunteers to move the Best Kept Village (BKV) idea forward with little response todate. There is however some interest in public floral displays (Baskets,tubs,etc). Ongoing: Discussions concerning displays to continue and BKV to be revisited for 2019. Cllr Shirley Briers - April 2018
Flicks in The Sticks (Pop Up Cinema) Outcome: Costings were obtained for a range of options to provide film viewing in the parish. Several locations were considered but none were found suitable without incurring initial outlay expenses. The village Hall committee was approached for their views and recommendations and the general opinion was that the parish had not previously supported a similar venture and attendance had not generated sufficient income to cover the initial outlay costs. A minimum attendance figure could not be guaranteed. There is insufficient support to continue with this potential facility. Ongoing: This potential facility should be reviewed in April 2019 to look at any changes in views and support. Cllr Colin Stockton - April 2018 |
Objective Eight Allotments Michael Keogh & ColinStockton |
BHDPC to carry out and assessments of potential locations and costs involved in providing allotments in the Parish. |
Identify suitable site and costs of acquisition / rent. And any set up costs (Clearing ground, fencing, etc). Gauge level of interest for allotment tenants. Subject ot authorisation market and set up allotment committee and application process. Establish level of income from renting plots – off set costs |
Allotments (January 2019) In response to the Community Led Plan, the Parish Council has under taken some work to assess the viability of allotments for the Community. Firstly notices were listed in the Red Lion and Co-Op to gauge interest in Bomere Heath. Councillors also attended Shropshire Council meetings and spoke to residents to gain further information The outcome was that it was established that there is a necessity for members of the community to form an Allotment Association Committee (ACC), which would be responsible for organising and operating the allotments. Land for the allotments would also have to be identified and funding secured for lease/purchase. Unfortunately there has been insufficient members of the Community to take up the responsibility and form an ACC, and until such time this project cannot move forward. Alternatives At the time of writing however there are vacant allotment plots available for rent in Baschurch. Similarly schemes do exist else where, where private gardens are made available as an allotment where the owners are unable to maintain their upkeep. The trade off is a share in produce and the owner has a maintained garden. If there is an interest the Parish Council could promote such a scheme. Should your require any further information please contact Councillors Colin Stockton or Mick Keogh via the Parish Clerk. |
Objective Nine Acquisition of Land for Public Use. Louise Cowley |
BHDPC to explore all viable options and the suitability of any land to meet the Communities wide range of needs. Based upon a viable option to commence a piece of work to assess, cost and acquire land. |
Standing agenda item for BHDPC |
March 2008 |
In 2018 the Parish Council was asked whether it wanted to adopt the public open space alongside Whitehouse Lane that was associated with the new development of 34 houses on Shrewsbury Road. In addition a one off payment of £10K was offered. The Parish Council declined the offers to adopt this open space because of the annual maintenance costs and planning restrictions which were associated with the space. Cllr Louise Cowley (Chairwoman) |